
Difference between Checked and Unchecked keywords in .NET

Difference between Checked and Unchecked keywords in .NET
Checked keyword
Unchecked keyword
The checked keyword is used to explicitly enable overflow checking for integral-type arithmetic operations and conversions.
i.e., Checked Key word is used to enforce the compiler to check the buffer overflow while operating arithmetic operators.
The unchecked keyword is used to suppress overflow-checking for integral-type arithmetic operations and conversions.
i.e.,Unchecked Keyword is used to enforce the compiler to do not check that is there any buffer overflow or Not.
If there is any Buffer overflow code will throw exception.

If here any Buffer overflow is occurred it will just truncate the value but not throw exception

Example for Checked keyword:

static void Main(string[] args)
int _value1 = 1500056564;
int _value2 = 1200046565;
// this Code will give exception BuferOverflow
System.Console.WriteLine(_value1 * _value2); System.Console.Read();

Example for Unchecked keyword:

static void Main(string[] args)
int _value1 = 1500056564;
int _value2 = 1200046565;
// This Code will Not Give Exception
System.Console.WriteLine(_value1 * _value2);

Note: Both the Checked and Unchecked keywords control whether or not an exception will be thrown when an operation causes a number to overflow.

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